Thoughts on nature...of many things

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Neil Gershenfeld

I liked his book on Physics of Information Technology. He was also mentioned by one of our distinguished faculty. I agree with his idea that creativity must be harnessed from all the so called "consumers" and fab labs need not be expensive rooms filled with complicated equipment. All that is really required is to make people aware about how they can just "tinker" and invent with almost anything. One excellent example of such a place is NYC resistor. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Brian Greene: The universe on a string

Here's another one...on string theory, everyone who missed the world science festival at NYU, can get a taste of Brian Greene. Have fun!

Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind!

This is one of the most interesting talks I have seen, given by one of the most interesting characters in physics. Clifford Stoll. Have fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Removal of Principia

Unfortunately, I had to remove the principia book from the site because it had the tendency to crash peoples' browsers! :(

Monday, June 16, 2008

Notes on Scribd documents...

I am expecting to put up quite a few Scribd documents. These are some things everyone reading them needs to know:
  1. The maximize button is in the top right hand corner
  2. To the immediate left of the maximize button, there is a down-arrow that gives zoom options (- for 'zoom out' and + for 'zoom into')
  3. The iPaper drop-down menu has viewing printing and other options
  4. Below every document, there are two links to Scribd
  5. Have fun!!! I encourage everyone to use it!!!


Read this document on Scribd: Poetry
